Feb 1, 2011

Pot in Your Pop?

Medical marijuana soft drink Canna Cola is hitting the market with flavors like Doc Weed, Grape Ape and Sour Diesel. But will it be a hit?

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There are many different ways for patients prescribed medical marijuana to get high – brownies, popcorn, crackers, and now soda? Clay Butler created Canna Cola, a 12-ounce soda containing 35 to 65 milligrams of THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.

But the idea of liquid marijuana isn’t new. A similar beverage called Mary Jane’s Relaxing Soda hit shelves about a year ago -- but Canna Cola is supposed to taste better because it only has ⅓ the amount of THC. A patient who has been drinking her marijuana for a few months now, told KTXL it’s been helping.

“I have fibromialgia and I just had surgery because I have carpal tunnel and so it medicates me. It helps a lot with my pain.”

As a commercial artist, Butler thinks his product will gain wider popularity because of his “branding savvy.”

“‘You look at the marijuana products out there, and they are so mom-and-pop, hippie-dippy and rinky-dink. … If someone can put every color of the rainbow on it, they do. If they can pick the most inappropriate and unreadable fonts, they will.’”

But the logo is exactly what’s causing controversy. Bob Cook, Regional Director with the California State Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement tells ABC-affiliate KGO the cartoon-like labels will attract the wrong customers.

“It should appear to be a legitimate form of medication, not a soda pop that children can easily confuse for real soda pop.”

According to TIME magazine, the drawings could even lead to some legal issues.

“The so-called ‘Brownie Law,’ which passed the Senate last year … would increase penalties for makers of products that combine marijuana with ‘a candy product’ or anyone who markets such products to minors.“

And that’s not the only roadblock. The flavors are also stirring up some trouble, since they’re very similar to the ones we already find on our local grocery store’s shelves.

“The Canna Cola brand features a number of different flavors, including the eponymous cola, a Dr Pepper knock-off called Doc Weed, grape-flavored Grape Ape, orange-tinged Orange Kush, and the Sprite-y Sour Diesel.”

Joanna LaForce, a medical marijuana pharmacist, tells LA’s KNBC manufacturers need to be careful when infusing liquids with marijuana.

"It's very important that your drinks are pasteurized to eliminate any microbes or bacteria. You just can't put some cannabis in there and expect it to be distributed evenly, so you get an even dose when you have that drink."

The soda is selling for roughly $10 - $15 a bottle. Some are comparing Canna Cola to Four Loko, expecting it to be a national phenomenon if marijuana is ever decriminalized.

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