Jan 28, 2011

Obama's Health Care Plan on GOP’s Chopping Block

Repealing health care reform will be the House’s first vote when the GOP takes majority in 112th Congress. Is the threat of repeal real?

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Republicans are taking back the House, the speaker’s gavel and possibly Democrats’ hallmark health care reform plan. Is it legit – or more lame politics? We have all the angles. Let’s start with ABC News and Republicans’ plan.

“They’ve already unveiled their first major piece of legislation, George. And here it is, short and to the point. This bill would repeal the entire health care reform law, replace it with nothing and set the stage for the first battle of the new Congress.”

And battle they will. Always looking for a fight, leaders from the right and left went on CNBC to debate the repeal. You can probably guess who’s who.

REP. TOM PRICE (R-GA): “It destroys accessibility, especially for seniors right now (Oh my gosh!) as we’re seeing Medicare Advantage seniors not being able to have the insurance they desired. It’s destructive to affordability. You’re seeing costs rise, not just for employers, but for employees as well.”

REP. PRICE: “We look forward to fulfilling the promise that we made.”
REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SHULTZ (D-FL): “Let’s talk about January 1st. On January 1st, just a few days ago, with repeal of health care reform, Republicans will take away a 50% cut in brand name drugs that seniors got. Let’s put a human face on what repealing health care reform will mean. It will mean that children, once again, and in a few years, everyone will be able to be dropped or denied coverage for the pre-existing condition that they might have.”

Subtly named the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act” – Republicans expect support from the full caucus. And Fox News trumpets the headline – “House GOP Health Care Repeal Could Pick Up a Few Dem Votes.” Let’s check their work…closely.

“Several moderate and conservative Democrats contacted by Fox News on Monday night said they wanted to first evaluate the Republican proposal…”
(Going on to say)
“But, at least one Democrat who voted against the health bill last year and in late 2009 is already leaning toward voting to repeal the law.”

So how are Speaker Boehner and company’s chances? Let’s just say House rules don’t apply in the Senate. Here’s NBC.

GUTHRIE: “This will likely pass the House because Republicans now control the House starting this week. It will, however, not pass the Senate and of course the president has his veto pen. You get the feeling here at the White House they’re really relishing this debate because they think the health care law, now that it has gone into effect, has proved itself to be beneficial and a lot of people won’t want to see those benefits go.”

Finally, since the repeal is more a pipedream than real possibility – what’s the real plan? CNN’s Brianna Keilar says it’s “death by a thousand cuts.”

KEILAR: “They look at this piecemeal and there’s a couple of ways that they would do this. Of course, Congress controls the power of the purse, so they would attempt to defund parts of health care reform through the appropriations process. The other tool they have— congressional investigations. Both of these tactics aimed at delaying the implementation and maybe getting rid of parts of health care reform.”

The House will take up the repeal on Wednesday, January 12th. So is this cheap pandering to the extreme right – or will Republicans chip away at health care reform?

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